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Emergo by ULは、サウジアラビア食品医薬品庁(SFDA)の医療機器市販承認(MDMA)取得のためのソリューションを提供します。

Saudi Arabian skyline at dusk


  • サウジアラビアの医療機器登録プロセスはどのようなものですか?
  • サウジアラビアの医療機器・体外診断用医療機器のクラス分類はどのようなものですか?
  • サウジアラビアでは現地代理人が必要ですか?

サウジアラビアで市販される医療機器・体外診断用医療機器を規制しているのは、サウジアラビア食品医薬品庁(SFDA)です。ほぼすべての医療機器は、市販前にSFDAの医療機器市販承認(MDMA)を取得しなければなりません。SFDAは、MDMA申請を詳細にわたってレビューします。機器事業者は、スケジュールを考慮し、申請文書を慎重に準備する必要があります。Emergo by ULは、リヤドオフィスに在籍するスタッフと協力し、サウジアラビアにおける医療機器登録のすべてをサポートします。



また、オフィスや法人登録をサウジアラビア国内に持たない事業者は、KSA Authorized Representativeを指名する必要があります。代理人は、サウジアラビア国内で合法的に代理人業務を行うために、代理人ライセンスを取得していなければならず、これは毎年更新が必要です。機器登録のためのすべての申請書は、KSA Authorized RepresentativeがSFDAに提出します。



  • 製造業者とKSA Authorized Representativeの詳細情報
  • 医療機器情報(使用目的、ラベリングおよび取扱説明書、あらゆるマーケティング資料等)
  • リファレンス市場における承認を証明する文書(CEマーキング認証、510(k)承認書等)
  • リファレンス市場におけるQMS(品質マネジメントシステム)規制遵守を証明するもの
  • 医療機器がサウジアラビアの環境特性(例:高温)に耐えうることの証明、サウジアラビア規制への適合宣言、電気的適合性の証明(能動機器の場合)

サウジアラビア医療機器承認はEmergo by ULにご相談ください

Emergo by ULは、医療機器・体外診断医療機器事業者のサポートを専門とする国際コンサルティング企業です。経験豊富なチームが、専門知識を駆使してSFDA登録プロセスのすべての面でサポートを提供します。Emergo by ULでは以下を含む幅広いサービスを提供しています。

  • 機器のSFDA登録用リファレンス市場として最適な市場を特定します。
  • KSA Authorized Representativeを請け負います。代理人ライセンスの取得を準備し、ライセンスを取得します。
  • KSA Authorized Representativeとして、事業者に代わってSFDAとの連絡を行います。
  • 医療機器市販承認(MDMA)申請を準備し提出します。
  • 代理人ライセンスの準備や認定申請を行います。また、ライセンスの更新や移転を行います。
  • 認定文書の国外からの取り寄せをサポートします。

中東、欧州、北米をはじめ世界中にオフィスを構えるEmergo by ULが、サウジアラビアでの上市、そして世界各国の市場参入をお手伝いします。





GCC(湾岸協力会議)は、湾岸協力理事会または湾岸アラブ諸国協力会議とも呼ばれる、ペルシャ湾岸の6つのアラブ諸国(サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、バーレーン、オマーン、クウェート、イエメン)が参加する、政治・経済同盟です。GCCにはすべての加盟国に適用される共同調達プログラムがあり、外国の製造業者に対して事業機会を提供しています。Emergo by ULのリヤドオフィスでは、入札プロセスのあらゆる面で、コンサルティングや代理人サービスを提供しています。


SFDA Authorized Representative for medical device manufacturers

You must also appoint a Saudi Arabia Authorized Representative if you do not have an office or entity in Saudi Arabia. Your Authorized Representative (AR) must obtain an Authorized Representative License, which is renewable on an annual basis, to legally represent you in the KSA. Your KSA Authorized Representative is also responsible for submitting all application documents to the SFDA to register your device.

Emergo SFDA Authorized Representative services


SFDA registration requirements for medical devices

All application documents are submitted electronically via the SFDA’s Unified Electronic System, or GHAD. SFDA submissions must be provided in English and include the following documentation:

Icon of a book with an information symbol

Device information (including accessories)

  • Trade name (in English and Arabic if the device is intended for lay use)
  • Model name(s)/number(s), catalog number(s), etc. (for software, the major version number may be used for this purpose)
  • Device description
  • Intended purpose
  • Classification
  • Evidence of approval in other countries, if available
Icon of a box that is closed with tape


  • Labels and packaging; power supply label, where applicable
  • Instructions for use (IFU) or justification letter, if not available
  • Information on storage, transportation, installation, maintenance and disposal (may refer to IFU)
  • Barcodes
    • Currently only required for lay-use devices
    • See the Unique Device Identification (UDI) section for information about the SFDA’s implementation of UDI requirements for all devices.
  • Proposed advertising material
  • For software, the SFDA generally requests an explanation of the version digits (e.g., which digit represents a significant/major change, and which digit indicates a minor change)
Document icon with a checkmark

Design and manufacturing information

  • Bill of materials
  • Description of function and assembly of the device
  • Technical specifications
  • Manufacturing process flow
Icon of a checklist

Essential principles checklist

  • Declaration of Conformity – See Annex 14 of MDS-REQ 1 for template.
Icon of a hand selecting a "yes" option over a "no"

Benefit-risk analysis and risk management

  • Procedure
  • Risk management plan
  • Risk analysis
  • Risk management report
Icon of a document with a checkmark

Product verification and validation

  • Pre-clinical data
  • Clinical data
Icon of a game play


Post-market surveillance plan

Icon of a data report

Periodic Safety Update Report (or Post-market surveillance report for Class A medical devices/Class A and B IVDs)

The above is an abbreviated summary of information and documents that must be included in the Technical Documentation File submitted for MDMA registration for most devices (Class A medical devices that are not IVDs, sterile, measuring, reusable surgical instruments, and/or novel have abbreviated requirements, as described in the “Submitting to SFDA” section of MDS-REQ 1.)

SFDA medical device registration consulting

Emergo is an international consulting firm that works exclusively for medical device and IVD companies. Our experienced team is equipped to assist with all aspects of the SFDA registration process. Here is what we can do:

  • Help you identify the correct medical device and IVD classification, based on the SFDA’s classification system. 
  • Function as your Authorized Representative, prepare and authenticate AR license.
  • Communicate with SFDA on your behalf as your Authorized Representative.
  • Prepare and submit your Medical Device Marketing Authorization (MDMA) application.
  • Prepare and submit authorization and AR license renewals or transfers.
  • Assist with import authorization documentation.

With offices in the Middle East, Europe, North America, and beyond, Emergo can help you start selling in Saudi Arabia and in markets around the world.

Please contact us for more information on medical device registration in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia medical device registration FAQs

How long is the SFDA review process?
The SFDA allots 35 working days as its official timeframe for reviewing applications; however, actual review times are often longer, particularly if additional information is requested.

When do SFDA approvals expire?
Under the Saudi route, MDMA registrations have a maximum validity of three years.

For products initially registered under the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF) route, leveraging reference country approval, MDMA renewals for Class I self-certified devices and general IVDs last for three years. For all other medical device classes, approvals are valid either for the remainder of the reference country approval, if there is an explicit expiration date, or three years if the SFDA considers the reference country market authorization to be open-ended.

What is the Gulf Countries Council (GCC)?
The GCC (Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, previously known as the Gulf Cooperation Council) is a political and economic union that comprises the six Arab states of the Persian Gulf: Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, plus Yemen. The GCC developed a group purchasing program that covers all member states, offering significant opportunity to foreign manufacturers. Our colleagues in Riyadh provide consulting and representation support with elements of the tender process.

Do all devices require MDMA approval?
Yes. All medical devices and IVDs that meet the definition of a medical device as outlined in Article 1 of the Medical Devices Law require MDMA approval.


Emergo by ULのエキスパートにご相談ください


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